Scientometrics on the human knowledge highway

With the human knowledge highway, not only the research and practice of teaching and learning can be more systematic and better, but the research of science and the practice of scientific research can also be systematically improved. For example, the knowledge highway can help researchers and also R&D administrators to better see the big picture of a certain discipline or even the entire human knowledge, and to better see a research problem or a concept in background of the entire discipline or even the entire human knowledge, to better see through the connections among disciplines. All those seen big picture, better background and connections among disciplines, can not only help the research of scientists, but also helps the R&D administrators to better evaluate of scientific work, and even to design better policies to facilitate the development of science and technology.

For example, if the human knowledge highway is matched with the number of times that each concept and connection has been studied, we can define a better measure of the innovativeness of a new research, and can even better evaluate its scientific value by putting the research question in the background of the entire knowledge network.

For example, if besides the human knowledge highway, we can also represent each research work as a walking process, we can then even model the research processes themselves. For example, many research work in chemistry can be regarded as linking certain kinds of compounds together to study their chemical reactions, or linking certain kinds of chemical reactions together to study their common characteristics or mechanism. In this case, we might be able to extract some inspirations on what are the next chemical reactant or reactions that should be studied given the knowledge highway and the reactants and reactions that have been studied. More generally, given the overall general human knowledge highway and the concepts and connections that have been studied, it is also possible that an algorithm can be found to help researchers to see what should be the concepts and connections to look into in the future.

Or, at least, the human knowledge highway can inspire researchers to think about and try some connections that are not easy to see without the knowledge highway.